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Terms of Service

Terms of Services

By booking the Services of Chhavi Tarot you are agreeing to be bound by the following Terms and Conditions of Use. You further certify that you are at least 18 years of age.


Terms of Payment

For all readings, the full fee is due at the time your request is made. Payment must be received by Chhavi Tarot before the commencement of your reading.


Payment Methods

For online readings, Chhavi Tarot accepts bank transfer or PayPal. Most payment transfers are done through third-party platforms PayPal, so please be familiar with the privacy policy and terms of use for these third-party platforms. Chhavi Tarot is not liable for any mishandling by these third-party platforms. For in-person readings, cash only. 

Chhavi Tarot does not accept checks or money orders. If your credit card is declined or payment is not properly transferred due to deficiencies on your end, then Chhavi Tarot will be entitled to the balance owed plus a 25% interest as an additional charge for the deficiency.


Cancellation Policy


If a session is to be cancelled we need at least 24 hours notice of the cancellation. Any less than 24 hours and the full fee of the session will be charged. If a session has been paid for and cancelled in good time (24 hours before the session), then a refund will be offered.


 Disclosure of Limitations

A tarot reading should never be used in place of professional counseling. Your reading cannot offer legal, medical, business, or financial advice nor does any portion of your reading from Chhavi Tarot purport to do so. You should not rely on a tarot reading to make any decisions that would affect your legal, financial, or medical conditions. If your inquiry involves the law, finance, or medicine, then you should seek the advice of a licensed or qualified legal, financial. or medical professional. Also, a tarot reading cannot replace qualified mental health care. A tarot reading can only facilitate how you cope spiritually with a given situation.


Confidentiality of Tarot Readings 

Chhavi Tarot exercises reasonable diligence in maintaining the confidentiality of your tarot reading and will not voluntarily, knowingly, intentionally or willfully disclose your identity or the contents of your tarot reading to third parties. However, if Chhavi Tarot genuinely believes disclosure is required to: 

1. Prevent imminent harm or risk of harm to yourself or to another, 

2. Meet any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request or 

3. Protect or defend Chhavi Tarot against claims or threats of claims, then Chhavi Tarot reserves the right to do so to the extent reasonably necessary. 

Please keep in mind that no legally recognized privilege exists between a tarot professional and client the way a privilege might exist between an attorney and client, doctor and patient, husband and wife.

Privacy Policy

Copyright Notice

Unless otherwise noted, all contents on this website, insert, is copyrighted under Indian law per the date posting and is the property of Chhavi Tarot. All rights reserved. You are prohibited from using any of the content herein without the express written permission of Chhavi Tarot.


Warranties Disclaimer

No warranties are made with regard to the security of this website or any communications sent electronically to Chhavi Tarot.


Confidentiality of Collected Information by Electronic Communication

When you send an e-mail communication, post a comment on this website, or request a tarot reading from Chhavi tarot you’re also sending personally-identifiable contact information, such as your name, e-mail address, date of birth, credit card information, etc.


Please note that as a tarot professional Chhavi Tarot may log, record, track, or save the information you provide through the course of professional record-keeping or other personal, non-commercial use. Your information is never sold to third parties. Chhavi Tarot may from time to time use the information you have provided to contact you about news or updates that Chhavi Tarot thinks you may be interested in. Again, by their nature, electronic communications are not always secure. It is your personal responsibility to be mindful of what you transmit over the Internet to Chhavi Tarot and Chhavi Tarot is not responsible for third party abuse of what you transmit through this website or when you send electronic communications to Chhavi Tarot.


While Chhavi Tarot exercises reasonable efforts to maintain your confidentiality, electronic communications over the Internet are not always secure. Chhavi Tarot has no control over what third parties might do with electronically transmitted personal information. Please be mindful of that when using this website or e-mailing Chhavi Tarot. It is not Chhavi Tarot‘s responsibility to guarantee the security or confidentiality of any information you transmit electronically. ​


Cookies and Anonymous Identifiers

Through this website, you may receive cookies. Cookies are pieces of information that a website transfers to an individual’s hard drive for record-keeping purposes. Cookies are only sent back to the website that deposited them when a visitor returns to that site. Most web browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can, however, reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. Anonymous identifiers are random strings of characters that can be used the way cookies are used, for certain platforms like mobile devices where cookie technology is not available. By using this website, you acknowledge the receipt of cookies or anonymous identifiers and waive any rights to the contrary.


Limitation of Liability

Chhavi Tarot is not liable to you for any special or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, any part of this website or the goods and services that may be offered on this website, or the performance of any services by Chhavi Tarot. You indemnify and hold harmless Chhavi Tarot for any and all damages, losses, expenses, and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, resulting from you use of this website or disclosure of any of your personal information to Chhavi Tarot.


This Terms & Condition and Privacy Policy is subject to changes, which shall be updated to this page and noted below. 




Any questions or concerns related to the terms herein should be directed to the attention of Chhavi Tarot at

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