Here is the Tarot forecast for the week of October 19, 2020 for your zodiac sign. Read on to find out the insights and guidance to make the most of your opportunities and face the challenges this week.

Victory is within reach so don’t give up now. You may feel fatigued but you have the courage & perseverance to fight & move forward. You & your partner might be feeling exhausted & thinking of giving up. Keep going, it’s time to gather your strength & focus on bringing your relationship back on track. If you are single, don’t let your past experiences prevent you from making a fresh start. Work might be demanding so use your energy wisely & plan well. There may be some cash problems so spend wisely.
You will be able to overcome a problem or a situation through courage & strength of your character. Be patient and calm while dealing with the pressure. Act with grace and sensitivity to bring a difficult situation under control. Your bond with your partner will get stronger but there is a need for balance in relationships. Dont be aggressive but calm & composed while resolving any differences. At work, you will enjoy a strong position and have the opportunity to showcase your leadership qualities. Be cautious with money & investments.
Entering a mutually beneficial partnership or meeting a new partner is indicated. The decision that you make now will have a significant effect on your future. Whatever path you choose should be based on a long-term future rather than short-term gains. There will be deeper commitment & better understanding between you & your partner. In love, you must make a decision that supports your true needs of respect, love and emotional support. Singles are likely to meet someone. There will be financial stability and you will be attracting wealth.
Your position at workplace or at home could be challenged and there might be some conflicts or differences arising because of a lack of communication. Despite provocation, you must hold yourself and not fight. There may be arguments, tension between you & your partner and one of you may choose to walk away without getting into a fight. It could be a difficult time for you in terms of money. Be cautious with who you trust with your finances as there could be deception with relation to money.
If life has been difficult recently, things will get better. This is the time to reconnect with your family & friends, be kind & loving. Singles, can expect to meet someone, and those in an established relationship will notice a positive change in their relationship. A significant change is coming in your career. It is a good time to start your own business, change your job or take up a new career path. If you have been experiencing financial difficulties then the luck will favour you and things will improve soon.
You could see yourself trying to find the right balance between work & personal life. Prioritise & put your energy where it is necessary. You may have to make a decision related to property or money. Pay attention to money, time, & resources. There could be a temporary cash-flow issue but if you pay attention, you will be able to manage. You & your partner may have a crucial financial decision to make together. Singles, may have a choice to make about whether or not you are ready for a new relationship.
Expect stress, arguments, & conflict arising due to lack of communication in relationships & at the workplace. Despite provocation & a strong urge to retaliate, hold yourself back and stay calm. It could be a difficult time for you in terms of money. Be cautious with who you trust with your finances as there could be deception with relation to money. There could be serious arguments with your partner, deceit and lack of communication in relationships resulting in you or your partner walking away with a sense of loss and defeat.
You will win applause and recognition for your work. You will get a chance to showcase your talent in public or given an opportunity to give speech or lecture on a subject you excel in. In love, there will be commitment and you will make extra efforts to make things work with your partner. Singles may meet a potential partner through work or at the workplace. Your project will be finished and well appreciated. You can consider learning a skill to improve your qualifications.
You may be at a crossroads & need to make a crucial decision where you will have to bring your logic and intuition together. The choice you will make now will have a long-lasting impact. your relationship will enter a new phase but avoid judging your partner or playing the petty blame game. If you are single, you may revisit an old relationship & decide if it is worth trying again. Be careful with your finances & make sure you have all the facts needed to make a decision about investments.
This week brings success, accomplishment of material goals & financial security as a result of your hard work . You will be happy to share the wealth that you have accumulated with others. Family plays an important part and you will be surrounded by people you love. There will be security and long-term commitment in relationships. Marriage or engagement is on the cards for those looking to settle down. This is a good week for teamwork, coming up with innovative ways to manage projects, and completing pending them successfully.
It’s time to tell the world what you are capable of. You will be full of enthusiasm and positive energy this week. Your relationships- family & professional contacts, will be energised. For couples, it’s a great time to nurture your bond & bring intimacy in your relationship. If you are single, be open as you are ready to meet someone new. At work, your ideas will flourish & you will have the strength to execute your plans.You will be able to make sound financial decisions based in careful planning but do not splurge.
You may be getting closer to a significant phase of your life or have a crucial decision to make. Use your intellect & intuition both to reach a conclusion. You or your partner may be judging each other which may damage your relationship. You must let go of and forgive past mistakes if you want the relationship to move forward. An old friend or ex may reappear. Be cautious with your money and do not to make any hasty judgements. Make sure you have all the information needed to make a rational decision related to investments.