Here is the Tarot forecast for the week of July 4, 2021 for your zodiac sign. Read on to find out the insights and guidance to make the most of your opportunities and face the challenges this week.
There will be love, security, and emotional fulfilment in your relationship. Be open and honest about your feelings and emotions. If you are single, you will meet someone who is loving caring and supportive. It’s a great time to go out and meet new people. At work, do not overlook emotional contentment and health over financial gains. A mature woman around you will be kind and supportive towards you. Be compassionate and sensitive towards others as well as yourself. There will be financial security, but, be careful about making any investments.
There could be disappointment in love or work. You’ve touched your limits and now feel exhausted and overworked. You may face disappointment and emotional agony because of relationships. Friendships may break, and unfortunately, it may be unavoidable. There could be loss of job because of severing of relationships with coworkers. In business, it could signify losses or even backstabbing by business associates or partners. Be extremely careful with your finances and do not make any investments at this point of time.
You will be flooded with demands and burdened with duties and responsibilities. You may find it difficult to make room for love and romance. Work towards resolving the issues that you might be carrying from the past. Add some fun to your relationship for it to grow. You may be feeling overworked with too many projects to handle. So, try to delegate work and collaborate. Financially, you may be struggling with debt repayments. Try seeking help of a financial advisor.
Pat your back and take a step back for a moment to enjoy what you have attained before you embark on accomplishing the next goal. it's important to pause, reflect on our accomplishment & celebrate. It is a perfect time to let your hair down, feel free, and enjoy with friends and family. Love and affection will be fully expressed and reciprocated. The work environment will be supportive. You will be full of ideas and enthusiasm, and your talent will be appreciated.
You can expect a positive outcome of the initiatives taken recently. There will be a balance in work & relationships. Pay attention to practical matters and ensure that your emotional needs are met. The signing of contracts & documents is indicated. Any ongoing legal matters may get resolved, job interviews and negotiations will be successful. Money matters will improve. You will get the support of influential people and your projects will get support. Listen to advise from people around you whom you respect.
This week you will see things getting accomplished and success that is earned through earnest hard work. You will witness deeper commitments and stability in love. Follow a mature, and level-headed approach in love and relationship. If you are single, someone, who can support you financially, and emotionally may walk into your life. Accomplishment of goals is indicated and you will enjoy good reputation at your workplace.. Your finances will be stable as a result of your wise money management and hard work.
Strengthen your self-worth and follow your intuition. There may be an opportunity emerging and urges you to explore the idea further. There could be a positive news related to your relationship- a proposal, engagement or marriage. It’a time to infuse some romance in your relationship. If you’ve been thinking of starting something new, take some time out to put clear plans in place, work on a strategy to achieve your goals. Don’t be naive about financial matters & be practical about money.
You must let go of any negative feelings, thoughts and attitude towards life. If your approach is not working, it’s time to change your perspective towards things (work/relationships) and look at them from a different angle. Let your plans and projects evolve before acting on them immediately. Slow down, don’t rush. Be patient and do not struggle to force an outcome. Accept and wait for things to unfold before you take any action. There may be some delays in the signing of contracts or documents.
You will benefit financially through business partnerships, joint ventures and collaborations. By bringing together the resources and capabilities, you will be able to accomplish more than you could individually. There has be an equal give and take. There will be financial stability, but don’t overspend.There will be a harmonious flow of love and emotions between you and your partner. You will strive towards bringing out the best in one another and enjoy a happy and balanced relationship.
This week marks the start of a new journey, career or a project. For singles, there could be a beginning of a new passionate relationship and a burst of vivacity in an existing relationship. Express your feelings and don’t wait for the other person to make the first move. Success is within reach provided you are will to invest the energy necessary to succeed. There could be a promotion, bonus or a new job. Finances will improve but do not overspend.
It’s time to put your plans into action and invest energy in your work. Don’t let anything stand in your way, embrace the challenges and utilise your capabilities fully. New partnerships and the beginning of new projects are indicated. Work on strengthening bond with your partner, take a break from the routine and spend some quality moments with each other. For singles, development of a relationship or a new romantic partnership is foreseen. With love and mutual respect, you can build a rewarding relationship.
You may face disappointment & feel upset over some confusion or arguments. You could be forced to change or leave your job even if you are not ready to do so, and the circumstances are not favourable. Be wise with money, and do not make any investments at this time. There could be arguments with a close friend or a family member. In relationships, there could be breakups & heartbreaks due to disputes over past issues or actions. If you are single, get over the past relationship that did not work and move on.