Tarot predictions for the month of September 2020. Read on to find out what is in store for your zodiac sign this month.

You will start seeing the result of your hard work and efforts this month. They may be slow and not as you had expected, but surely your efforts will pay off. There could be some frustration as you may have been putting a lot of effort, but it does not match the output.
There will be love, harmony, and a deep commitment to love and relationship. Your feelings will be reciprocated, and any differences with your partner will be resolved. If you have been hoping to find true love, you are likely to meet your potential partner. If you are already in a relationship, your partner will be supportive and understanding. You will further strengthen your bond by pursuing some hobbies or leisure activities together.
Your work or career may be a reason of stress affecting your emotional and physical health this month. There could be signs of conflict and major disagreements within the workplace or with the business associates/clients. Beware of deceit and breach of trust in business dealings. The work environment may not be very cordial, and you may have to face unkind and spiteful words of your boss or colleagues. It is not a good time to change the job even if there is any offer.

This month reveals the underlying restlessness and the feeling that something is not right. You may feel disappointed or disillusioned over a situation to the extent that you overlook anything positive development around you. You may feel a tinge of boredom in your relationships or at work.
It is an intellectually, stimulating time in relationships. You will be drawn towards healthy discussions and conversations. Communication with your partner will improve at this point. If there is any problem in your relationship, handle it with clarity and honesty. Have a clear and transparent conversation to avoid any misunderstandings. It also implies that it’s time to cut out negative attitudes in your love life and inject some romance into your relationship.
This month brings some good news related to your work, job, or projects. There could be a job offer which you may find appealing. In business, you may consider adding a new vertical or expanding the existing line of business. However, assess the situation carefully and follow a measured approach towards how much work you can do. You will have the resources and support to accomplish your tasks.

This month brings opportunities and choices, but it is coupled with confusion. The difference between real and fantasy would be challenging to make. While there will be opportunities, everything may see up in the air and not substantial. Be discerning and evaluate every possible option, its advantages and disadvantages before making a choice. While it is good to dream about endless opportunities, it is vital to take action to realise those dreams.
This may be an emotionally vulnerable time for you. You may feel trapped and or confined in a relationship that you are not able to leave. You could be feeling ignored or left out, and your partner is not giving attention. There is also some passivity in the relationship, but you must take some action and stand up for yourself for things to change. Don't assume and accept whatever is happening around you, speak up, and clarify. It's not a great time to enter a new relationship.
Your position will improve at work, and if things have been challenging in recent times, you will feel the balance is being restored. Finances will be stable. This is a good week for teamwork, coming up with innovative ways to manage projects, and completing pending them successfully. Property inheritance or investments are also indicated.

New partnerships, ideas, and success are on the horizon. Time for planning and contemplation is over; start moving closer towards your goal. You will have the support of the people around you. Getting into a partnership to achieve a particular purpose will lead to a successful outcome. There is stability, but you must look at the bigger picture and explore new ideas.
It may be an intensive month for couples. You and your partner will stay connected on an intellectual and emotional level. You will push each other and motivate each other to be a better version of yourselves. It’s time to give attention to your partner and do not hesitate to make the first move. For singles, be patient and think from your head and not heart.
At work, there will be competition, but you must hold your position and not give up. There will be a lack of agreement, and you will have to fight out to put your viewpoint. You will notice that people around you at work will have strong opinions and will be busy defending their position rather than trying to reach a consensus. You will be able to defend yourself and overcome the challenges provided you are ready to put up an intense fight.

This month you will see things getting accomplished and success that you have earned through earnest hard work. You will gain the support of a man in your career, who is mature, stable, and established in his work. He could mentor you, but he could also be your biggest critic. Your finances will be sound as a result of your wise money management and hard work.
There is love, joy, and happiness in relationships. There are commitment and balance in the relationship and domestic affairs. Now you can feel joy and happiness that you truly deserve. You will see your relationship moving to the next level, such as commitment, marriage, or starting a family. Enjoy the togetherness and the bond that you and your partner have built together. It is a good time for singles to start a new relationship. You may meet your potential partner, so be open to the possibilities this life has to offer.
You will witness a growth in your career this month. You may experience a flash of creativity and inspiration to do something new. There are chances of starting a new business, project, or expansion. There could be a job offer, and those in the creative profession will excel.

Relationships will be mutually supportive, cordial, and there will be understanding and harmony. Accomplishing tasks in partnership will be beneficial. Your close friend will play an important part and have a positive influence on your life.
In love and relationships, you and your partner may feel the need for quiet time. You may need more mental space to help you reassess, recharge, and reconnect with your partner in a better way. If you are single, you need some alone time to process your thoughts and assess what you want in a relationship. Wait for sometime before you take the relationship to the next level. It is not a good time to start a new relationship or make any decision related to marriage.
Your work will keep you very busy, and you may be required to achieve beyond expectations. There are chances of some dispute or tension at work, but let the situation be calmer before you make a move. Don’t be hasty or rush for things; finish what you have started before taking on the next task.

Stay clear of negative people, influences, temptations, and materialism this month. What may have started pleasurably may get reversed and lead to addictions and bad habits. Family and relationships may be demanding, and you may feel enslaved to a situation or job or relationship.
For couples, your bond will get stronger and will bring you closer. However, do not try to dominate, control, or be possessive. For singles, do not fall for lust-over-love situations & short-term affairs. Someone in the family may try to dominate & steer conversations and decisions. Act with grace and sensitivity while resolving any issue or dispute and not anger or force.
It is a month of learning and enhancing your skills through education or joining a course. The presence of a mentor is also indicated, or you could act as a guide to someone at work. In case of any decision related to career or job, rely on your intuition or instincts. Do not disclose your plans to anyone and work in privacy. Keep your financial matters hidden.

This month brings mental clarity, open-mindedness, and perspective to see the bigger picture. Whatever the situation or circumstances, take command of it. An older and strong woman in your life could be your mother or a senior at work, will step up to guide and support you.
There is a need for balance in relationships. If your relationship has been tested, the situation will soon improve. Demonstrate the strength of character, determination, and patience to resolve any issues or differences. Act with grace and sensitivity, not anger or force. For singles, if you meet someone, do not let physical attraction veil important issues like commitment, emotional, and intellectual compatibility.
Pay attention to money, time, and resources this month. There may be some temporary cash flow issues, so watch your expenditure and plan your finances before the problem arises. It would help if you also readjusted your focus on time and resource management. In business, there could be a crucial financial decision to make or even some unexpected expense. This could be when you are needed to maintain balance in different aspects of life- money, family, work, relationships.

You will be in command of the situation at work or in relationships. Focus on logic and take decisions from your head rather than the heart. This month may mark an intensive time at work but do not be hasty or aggressive. In relationships and domestic affairs, it's time to take initiatives and make the first move. A mature older man at your workplace or in the family will offer support and sound guidance.
If you are single, you may meet your potential partner, and you will find yourself spending time with them. Reunion or meeting past love is also indicated for some. There is a good indication of weddings or engagement formalization. It is a perfect time to let your hair down, feel free, and enjoy with friends and family.
There will be fresh ideas, mental clarity, and you will be at your problem-solving best. You can expect a positive change in your circumstances and position. If there were any challenges at the workplace or career in general, they would get removed. Decisions related to job or career change should be taken with logic but do not be impulsive.

The tough times are over, and now your hard work and efforts will pay off; you will have enough money and material resources to feel content. You will be proud to show off what you have achieved and talk about how you have risen through the ranks. There will be a strong urge for material possessions and financial stability, even if it is at the cost of your emotions. However, do not get too busy holding onto your wealth that you cut yourself off from the rest of the world.
For homemakers and those who multitask, consider saying no, and seek support from others. Do not overwork or exhaust yourself. You weigh yourself down with the demands and responsibilities of the family and relationships. In love, you may feel that your partner is not reciprocating, and you are burdened with carrying the relationship single-handedly. It could also mean that you are holding issues or grudges from the past.
There is financial prosperity, material comforts, security, money flows, and your projects will thrive. In work, you will be resourceful and will be supportive of coworkers. A mature and supportive woman at your workplace with a nurturing influence will offer help and guidance. You will be able to come up with innovative ideas and methods to manage your work and projects.

This month you will see some things getting accomplished and hard work paying off. An older mature man will offer support and guidance to you. Your finances will be stable due to your wise money management and hard work; however, be rational with your expenditures.
Things may be edgy with indications of separation or the breakup of a significant relationship. It could also mean an end of a demanding association and coming out of a frustrating relationship. You may not have control over what happens, but you control how you react to it. For singles, your heart needs to heal before you think of entering a new relationship.
There are some job, career or employment led issues like you may have a choice to make between two positions or career paths. These issues will not go away on their own; you will have to address them now; otherwise, they may return. You may be waiting to hear from the organization where you have applied for a job or any negotiation or business deal. Listen to the advice of supportive friends and colleagues and take the best possible practical decision. Consider all the facts about your financial situation before making any decision regarding investments or new purchases.

You are at a crossroad, thinking before making a crucial decision. You will find yourself in the middle of a situation and not knowing which side to choose. Being in denial and not looking at the problem will only intensify it. Resolving and moving past the stalemate is the only solution. However, be patient and do not force an outcome or pressurize people to make a decision impulsively.
You and your partner may feel the need for some time alone. You may need more mental space to help you reassess, recharge, and reconnect with your partner in a better way. If you are single, you need some solitude to process your thoughts and heal from past experiences. It would be best to wait for some time before starting a new relationship or making any decision related to marriage.
You will gain prominence in work, and your efforts will be recognized. Nurture your entrepreneurial spirit, make a plan, and get going. What you propose at this time will be well accepted. You are likely to be in a stable financial situation but be wise with expenditures and investments. A mature older man will offer guidance and help you to move forward in your career or business.
Please note: This is a general reading, it may or may not resonate with you. To book a personalised reading, click here.