Tarot predictions for the month of July 2020. Read on to find out what is in store for your zodiac sign this month.


Take risks, but don't be reckless. Follow your heart's calling, and once you decide to move forward, do not look back. Remember to plan properly. The road ahead may be full of perils, but you will be able to overcome provided you plan well.
You may face disappointment, despair, emotional agony because of relationships. Friendships may break, and unfortunately, it may be unavoidable. Although it may seem sudden, there will be history, and a series of events may have led to this situation. Your situation may imply to your family or group of friends rather than an individual. You may find it challenging to forgive like it is said, it is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend. Watch for the growing difference between you and your partner. If your relationship with someone has been tumultuous in the recent past, there may be a dramatic conclusion. One person in the situation could be more responsible for the break-up or heartbreak. Don't let people outside your family interfere in your matters. Not a conducive month to make decisions related to love, marriage, or a new relationship, it may lead to disappointment.
In work and career, your ideas and project will flourish. Your efforts and hard work will pay off, and there is a possibility of financial reward. There will be prosperity and abundance. You will have the resources to splurge occasionally and help others who may seek monetary support from you. Some investments are also indicated and will fetch good returns. New opportunity in the current job and starting a new venture is also on the horizon, move forward with proper planning in place.

This month is about emotional contentment, love & harmony, and a happy time for family and couples. Whatever you have been working on will come together; there will be stability and comfort in life. There will be peace and harmony in relationships. You will surround yourself with friends and have a relaxed time with your family. Children will do well academically.
In relationships, it is an emotional time in a positive way. Communication within the family and with the partner will improve. It’s a good month for those who have been waiting to find love and wanting to settle down with a partner. For singles, it can be said that you will soon partner up with someone who will bring positivity and emotional fulfilment to your life. For those who are already in a relationship, there may be a need to resolve a conflict or doubts that may exist between you two. Do not involve other people or allow others to interfere in your problems; resolve the issues and differences between you and your partner, yourself.
At work, there will be a burst of fresh ideas, mental clarity, and agility. You will be at your problem-solving best. There are chances of an immensely positive change in your circumstances and position. There will be a lot of actions and maybe some drama and confrontations, however, do not be overconfident and be careful with your words. Obstacles will get removed, and success is on its way. Decisions related to job or career change should be taken with logic but do not be impulsive.

This month is a harbinger of stability, and there is a reassurance that all is well on the home front. Relationships, jobs, and work will be stable. Your concerns about home or family will be put to ease. Getting involved in some social work or local issues is indicated.
Your love interest or potential partner may express their love and affection; however, they may not be ready yet to commit. Your lover may want to introduce you to their friends & talk about the relationship in a serious manner and not just a fling. You may need more clarity about your feeling towards them and the choices you make in the relation. You must identify & reflect on what you and your partner want before you can decide to come together. Try to distinguish between reality and fantasy. There is a potential of the relationship moving forward, but it will depend on the choices and decisions you make in the present.
You will achieve your targets, and there may be an element of uncertainty in the workplace. Do not share your plans with others and keep your cards close to your chest. Difference been friends and foes with become bleak, and there are chances of people going against you. With colleagues, avoid negativity or any unnecessary confrontations.

You can expect a positive outcome of the initiatives taken provided you were honest. There will be a balance in work & relationships. The signing of contracts & documents is indicated, legal matters may get resolved, negotiations will be successful, and money matters will improve. You will get the support of influential people and listen to advise from people around you whom you respect.
In love and relationships, change and transformation are on the horizon. There could be a significant change that could lead to a complete transformation of your relationship or the beginning of a new phase of your life together. You may seem to have little control over the situation, and it would be best to accept the change and move forward. It could mean break-up or letting go of a relationship or friendship that no longer is working for you. You may begin to distance yourself from the relationship and think of regaining control & rebuilding your life. For singles, it could mean an end to being single. There is also a possibility of your ex or old friend, re-entering your life.
It’s time to take control and charge of things at work. You will come up with newer ideas, and you will have the determination to execute them. You may receive or seek the support of an older woman who could be your co-worker or boss. Follow a single-minded approach towards your tasks. Listen to other people’s ideas, views, and opinions, and do not try to dominate the situation. Look at the big picture while making any business or career led decisions.

A period of difficulty and emotional anguish, heartache, relationship trouble is indicated. You may suffer betrayal of some kind at a deep emotional level. Give yourself time to process your thoughts and feelings. Remember, to be dejected in love does not mean you should also reject yourself; give yourself space and time to heal.
In the matters of heart and love, this month seems harsh for some of you. Break-up, separation & time out is indicated. Follow a mature and balanced approach in relationships. If your relationship has been in trouble lately, you should seek the help of an older or wiser family member, or a guide who can give you sensible and honest advice. Stay clear from arguments and differences of opinions. Do not give in to pressure to take any decision related to your relationships, marriage.
Stay focussed and in control of things at work, business, and career. You may receive support and guidance from a mature older man at the workplace or in business. Discipline and structure will provide success. Plan your investments very well and think through your business dealing with logic and not emotions. Stay calm and double-check all the facts before making decisions.

Courage, determination, and patience are all you need right now while dealing with the pressure. It is time to get a troubling situation under control, but you must act with grace and sensitivity rather than being aggressive or offensive. Be ready to take on challenges and stand firm even if there is resistance. Be consistent in your actions, and results will show. If you've been not keeping well, you are on your road to recovery; you will be able to break bad habits.
This is a good month for singles and those in love. It is is a good time to begin new relationships and nurture your existing relationships; however, there is a need for creating a balance between personal life and work matters. There is a word of caution to be grounded, realistic with expectations. Your lover may not have the financial or emotional stability at the moment.
This month ushers in a time of financial stability and security. You will find yourself surrounded by material comforts, and your efforts will be appreciated and rewarded. You will be supportive of your colleagues, and you will win their support in return. The work environment will be cordial, and there will be complete harmony in the workplace. You will see your projects progressing and taking shape. You will be confident about your ideas, and your suggestions will be well accepted.

Meeting a new partner or a career opportunity is indicated. The decision that you make now will have a significant effect on your future. You must ensure that whatever path you choose in a career or relationship should be based on a long-term future rather than short-term gains.
Before deciding to take the relationship to the next level, you must ensure that your potential partner is financial and emotionally stable. It’s time to infuse some excitement, passion into the relationship. Believe in your partner; they will not give up on you so easily. Be practical and realistic; you need to nurture your feelings before it enters the next phase. For singles, there will be opportunities, and if you like someone, don’t sit and wait, express your feelings to them.
You may have a career, job, or business-led decision to make this month. You may have a choice between taking a new job/career path and staying in your current job/career. While making the decision consider long-term future and not short-term gains. In business, you can consider exploring partnerships and collaborations. It would be more profitable than going solo. There will be financial stability, but you must explore the available opportunities and look beyond the vicinity. People around you will be supportive.

You will be determined and driven towards your goal. Be ready to take action and charge forward with full energy. You will be prepared to go beyond the limited vision and will try to achieve beyond expectations. Sudden truths or underlying issues at work or relationships may come to light. There could be some disputes at work and some tension within the family. Watch out for someone around you who loves to create drama and action.
In relationships, there will be trust, loyalty, and intimacy. You will feel a sense of balance & security in your partnership. For singles, a new partner may enter your life, someone who is mature and in control of their emotions. For those who are in an established relationship, you may focus on practical matters and future planning. Do not be hasty in love related decisions.
You will notice progress in your projects and financial stability. You will witness the fruits of your hard work and efforts. There will be sufficient resources to spend on yourself and support others. An older woman in the workplace may extend help and guidance. You will take charge of things at work and be hands-on in projects rather than working on the sidelines. At this time, if you start something new or begin a new venture with your partner, it will reap profits and bring material gains.

You will be in command of the situation at work or in relationships. It is time to take charge of things and focus on the logic rather than the heart. This month may mark an intensive time at work but do not be hasty or aggressive. In relationships and domestic affairs, it's time to take initiatives and make the first move.
It is said you don't find love, it finds you. It has got a little bit to do with destiny and fate. Singles, can expect to meet someone, and those in an established relationship will notice a positive change in their relationship. Chance meetings, unexpected phone calls, good news-anything can happen! An ex-partner or love interest may come back, but do not make an extra effort to make it work, because if it is right, it will happen anyway.
It will be an action-packed month for professionals. It's time to take a leap and seize the moment and perform beyond expectations. However, do not be impulsive and impatient with results. There could be a significant shift in your career, opportunities coming your way, and an upswing in finances too. Beware of someone assertive and aggressive at work.

You will be making plans and moving forward towards your goal. There may be some obstacles, but if you have the courage and determination, you will get success. New partnerships and the beginning of new projects are also indicated, but you must look at the bigger picture and long-term future.
You may be excessively absorbed in your personal life that you completely forget about yourself. Think beyond your relationship, family, and responsibilities; make sure you take time out for yourself- pursuing a hobby, catching up with friends. If you are in a new relation, your prospective partner may be looking at a traditional life with the woman staying at home and taking care of household and children.
Financially, you may be walking a tightrope this month. Spend wisely, do not make any investments or take any loans as you may find it challenging to pay off later. You may face some problems at work or in career. Discontentment in your job, sense of being isolated, could also be there. You may be too much worried about what your colleagues and bosses are talking about you behind your back. Your coworkers may not be supportive and even try to damage your position in the organization. Focus on finishing your task, and do not worry about what people have to say about you or your performance.

He who has hope has everything. If things have felt difficult recently, have faith they are about to change for better, and everything will work out in the end. This month brings better physical and spiritual well-being. In relationships, there will be peace and harmony, but you may experience some changes in your professional life. Be patient and fully utilise your talents and skills.
Sometimes, it is best not to know the future, especially when everything is going fine between you and your partner. You may briefly choose to keep a part of your life separate or be busy with your routines. Those in quest of love may have to wait for some more time before they meet a potential partner. Do not overthink and give space to each other.
This could be an intense time at work. You may experience a change or transformational phase in your job or career. This change may be inevitable and beyond your control. Restructuring in business or moving of the premises is anticipated. Change in your position in the organization is expected; your authority or leadership could be questioned. Try to maintain an amiable relationship with your seniors and colleagues. Let go and accept the change.

There will be stability, harmony, compatibility, and comfort in relationships and at work. Contentment and happiness in the family are predicted. Your endeavours will move a step closer to completion and witness fruition.
It is time to take your relationship to the next level. Work on strengthening your bond, take a break from the routine, inject some excitement, and spend some quality moments with each other. You can also look at trying to do something as a couple. For singles, a new romantic partnership is foreseen.
The work environment will get better; there will be support and compassion. Collaborate with like-minded professionals to finish your task or achieve a goal. Partnerships built on trust will be supportive & rewarding. Reconnect with your ex-colleagues and old friends; they may also reconnect with you. Getting an offer from or rejoining your past organization is also indicated. You may also consider returning to doing something you did previously.
Please note: This is a general reading, it may or may not resonate with you. To book a personalised reading, click here.