Here is the message the Tarot has for you for the week of June 15, 2020, giving you insights to make the most of your opportunities and guidance to face the challenges & obstacles.

This is a week of thinking, planning, self-exploration; rather than action. Process your thoughts & do not take any big decision or share your plans. Don't be afraid of doing things differently & consider following an unconventional way to tackle the challenges. Speak about your concerns with those who have been through similar situations.
At work, see if you can take a different approach towards completing your task at hand. Focus on preparing and planning well rather than immediate action. You may feel drawn towards research and professional development courses. Your colleagues may look up to you for support and guidance; a mentor may guide and help you make decisions. Position at the workplace will be stable; however, you may choose to work independently and not in a team. You will be mature and forthcoming in helping others. Keep your plans, thoughts, and future course of action to yourself.
In love or relationship, you may need some time alone and solitude to process your thoughts and feelings. Follow a mature and balanced approach in love; listen to your partner to understand how they feel about you and the emotional support they seek from you. If your relationship has been in trouble lately, you should seek the help of an older or wiser family member, counselor, or a guide who can show you the way forward. Give space to each other, and do not impose your ideas and thoughts. Stay clear or wisely withdraw from situations leading to arguments and differences of opinions. Do not give in to pressure from others to take any kind of big decision related to your relationships, marriage at the moment. This is not a time to begin or enter a new relationship. Call it a forced time out because of arguments or a conscious time out to avoid any further friction in relationships, it is a time out.
This is a generic tarot reading to tell you about the collective energies & consciousness for the week of June 15-21.