Here is the message the Tarot has for you for the week of July 20, 2020, giving you insights to make the most of your opportunities and guidance to face the challenges & obstacles.

There is no beating around the bush when a Three of Swords appears. This is a card of pain, heartbreak, sorrow, and hurt. It indicates betrayal & disloyalty in relationships and business dealings. You may feel deeply hurt and disheartened because of others’ vicious words, actions, and behaviour.
There is a heart that depicts emotions & feelings and swords piercing the heart, symbolizing emotional pain caused because of hurtful words, actions, false beliefs, and wrong choices. You may come face to face with reality, even if it hurts.
In love, Three of Swords indicate separation or the breakup of a significant relationship. It could also mean an end of a draining or demanding associations and breaking of the shackles of a frustrating relationship. One of the messages this card brings is to let go of overbearing relationships, painful memories, and attachments.
The Three of Swords is a reminder to take charge of the situation and decide how you want to react to a situation. You may not have control over what happens, but you definitely have control over how you respond to it. Don’t suffer unnecessarily; distance yourself from incompatible people and become more independent.
At work, you may be predisposed to unfriendly and spiteful words of your boss or colleagues, but you don’t have to take every word to your heart. Beware of deception and breach of trust in business dealings. While it may bring sadness, it is only temporary. Take the situation as an opportunity to learn from the experience rather than judging the source of your grief. Maybe, it is time to put the past behind and not overthink the harsh words and behaviours of people around you.
Please note, there is also a message to take care of your health this week.
This is a generic tarot reading to tell you about the collective energies & consciousness for the week of July 20-26.